Sunday, July 30, 2006

Weasel Update

First, I did not get the seat. The seller gave me a little bit of the run around, and I did not feel comfortable dealing with him, so no go. He did call twice Friday evening, but I felt that it was too late and decided just to root on the Weasel. And............

He is doing as expected, very well to say the least. He played yesterday in his day one and not only survived, he thrived. He comes back on Tuesday and I expect him to be in the top 50 in chips with 50,600. For those that would like to see Mr. Weasel in action, click here.

I am so happy for the weasel, now just keep it up! Makes it through one more day and he cashes. I said that he was doing very well this trip and this is just a great culmination of that performance. No guarantees, but it sures looks good for a solid finish.

His Current Position:

150th place as of the end of day 1-B (which will be around top 8 to 9% after the next two days). Weasel has T-50,600, which is 191.01% of average. Chip leader has T-229,125. Too much time on my hands this Sunday.

Until next time,

Good Luck and See You at the Felt.......................


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