Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Kojak Play

Let's discuss a hand and how you would play it.

I am in the fourth hour of my 5-10 NL session in New Orleans last week. We are playing three handed waiting for two smokers and one bathroom breaker to return to six handed. For the only time all day I straddle the button, UTG, for $20. SB folds, the BB makes it $75 to go. He has $600ish in front of him. I look down at KJo.

Information on BB. He is a young player that has been playing relatively tight, but had a few moves in him. He had moved some small bets around leading up to this hand. He had been playing for about an hour with us.

I announced that I was straddling because it is the only time I could do it when it made sense. He sort of laughed that off and made his $75 bet relatively quickly and forcefully.

1. What would you do?

Okay, now assume you call and the flop comes KQ3 no suits. He is first to act and chunks in $100.

2. Now what?

Assume that you called, or raised and was called. Now assume that the turn was a 4 making the rainbow complete. And the BB moved in for $400 instantly.

3. Now what do you do?

Answers to come tomorrow. Think through this one completely. Until then,

Good Luck and See You at the Felt........................


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