Thursday, June 29, 2006

Yeah Baby! Its Time

1. Southwest Board Pass Printed? Check (A group - because I am anal about that and logged on last night).

2. Room Confirmed? Check.

3. Limo Reserved? Check. Because that is how Kentucky Rock and I roll.

4. Massage Reserved? Check and then some.

5. Dinner at the Nine Steakhouse? Check.

6. Money? Check. No, cash.

7. Entry Confirmed in $2,000 event? Check

8. Packed? Check

9. Ride to airport? Check, because Mrs. Grip needs the pokermobile. Cloudy bailed, Robman came through.

10. Audio Books on I-Pod? Check

11. Poker Books? Check.

I am as ready as I can make myself. I am a little nervous, which is good. I think that if I were not a little nervous, then I would probably be wasting my time going. The nerves will make me focus and work that much harder.

I will try to give day by day updates starting tonight or tomorrow morning. Until next time from Las Vegas,

Good Luck and See You at the WSOP............................


At 6:43 PM, Blogger BK said...

good luck man! I missed a 10k seat to the main event for $6 by 5 spots. I won a $6 tourney for a seat in party's $215 that gave away 9 seats and I finished 14th out of 498. Top 9 got seats.


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