Saturday, July 22, 2006

Weasel is Out

Dang it. What a performance from the Weasel. He comes into today 144/146 with 2.5 x the bb. Catches a J in the BB to triple up. Then gets AA when Jennifer Tilly raises and another guy goes all in to triple up again. Got it up to 53,000 (above average at the time). Blinds down to 37,000. 65 left. Blinds 1500, 3000 with 400 ante. Button who is table chip leader makes it 10k to go, Weasel goes all in for 37,000 with 10s. Guy calls with AJo. Flops a J.

However, to go up two pay levels with that run today, it was really sweet for the weasel. He is having a heck of a trip to vegas, and the ME starts next week. No telling how he will do in that!

Until next week,

Good Luck and See You at the Felt...................


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