Thursday, September 29, 2005

What Would You Do?

First of all, let me put out some props to Bulldog Mafia. Well played last night while I was at ur table. Did not see how you finished but appreciate the comments. That being said, I will take the Dog's advice and put out a hand from last weekend's trip to Metropolis for thoughts and discussion.

My Hand: X X

I am in the big blind, UTG opens for 20 gets four callers before it gets to me. I call with "XX."
Six way action, flop comes down 24J rainbow. SB checks, I check, UTG bets 30, call, call, call, fold and I call. Turn is a 2 (224J), I check, and the other four check behind. River is a 4 for a 2244J board. Before I can do anything, the UTG checks and the next two players check behind. I speak up and say "I have not acted yet guys." I look at the UTG player and tell him "You were suppose to bet the turn card." I then bet $150 into a $240 pot. All the players fold.

1. Would you call my bet?
2. What would the minimum hand be that you would call with?
3. What did I have?

Until next time,

Good Luck and See You at the Felt......................


At 1:56 PM, Blogger Acesfull said...

Dude-thanks for shout out. When you left I was in great shape (M =45). Then screwed up with one hand and lost with QQ (me) vs AT. Keep fighting but was out in 45th made the money but no final.

At 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) No but raise
2) Anything
3) 3/5

At 8:23 AM, Blogger Grip 'n Rip Poker said...

Thus, the name, CRAZY TOM.


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