Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Stupid Mistakes Hurt Sometimes

$10 Rebuy last night

I play very solid, I am in for $30 total midway through the third hour. I have 25,000 in chips, average stack around 30,000. T Soprano, a top notch rebuy player that plays this event every night and is hyper aggressive is two to my right and is the table chip leader with 106,000 in chips. We are down t0 265, 180 getting paid. My PokerStars account is low, so a cash would help going forward. $15,000 to win. I have not made any plays, stole once in an hour, and just doubled up with KK to get to 25,000.

Blinds are 600-1200 with a 75 ante and I'm in the BB with A9s. folds to T on the button, he raises to 3,600. SB folds. I go all in after thinking about it for 5 seconds. He instacalls with 33. The board turns me a lot of outs, but I missed and got eliminated. I don't know why I did it looking back, making the money was the goal and I was in good shape to make it there with my stack.

Got impatient and got eliminated short of my goal. Until next time, stay patient and.....

Good Luck and See You at the Felt.......................


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