Thursday, September 15, 2005

Best or Worst Laydown I Have Ever Made?

This happened to me midway through the second level of the $500 NL event at the 2004 Mid-America Classic. I had already cashed in the $200 event, 23rd out of 680. I had taken another vacation day (see double edged sword for a discussion of this time limiation) and driven to Tunica the night before to room with the Weasel. I had also won my $2000 seat in the main event along with the Weasel the night before. Great play late in the game got me that seat. But the most memorable story happened in the $500 NL Event.

We started with about 400 players and at my first table we had the normal mix of good, bad and clueless players, PLUS Chris Moneymaker. Now I have played with Chris a few times in the Music City, and I have a level of respect for his game. He is aggressive, but knows how to play post-flop, which is rare these days of all-in poker. Blinds are 25-50 and I have an average stack, the gentleman to my left has me covered by a little, and Chris is three to my left and is the table chip leader. I have KK UTG +1 and open for 250. The gentleman immediately to my left reraises to 700. I actually get a little excited, okay a lot excited. That feeling was short lived. The next player folds and then Chris goes into the tank. I am thinking that Chris may have a monster, probably AA and is deciding how to play 'em. Finally after a minute or so, he smooth calls. During this minute I had already decided that if he moved in, I was moving in with him immediately. But his smooth call stopped that idea in its tracks. It folded around to me and I peaked at those two huge cowboys and said, "I hope to see y'all again real soon." And I mucked 'em.

Question #1

Was this a Good Laydown?

Question #2

What would you do?

Until next time,

Good Luck and See You at the felt................................


At 11:05 AM, Blogger Acesfull said...

I would have gone bust with the cowboys....

At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We who know you know the answer. Since the cards were turned over.


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