Thursday, August 18, 2005

Tournament Cash - But Come on Guys....

Went to the $220 NL tournament last night. 27 players, paying five spots. Finished fourth for $448 with a huge beat when my A10s goes down to 105 off that moved on my big blind and caught a miracle 5 on the river. Regardless, it was the best I have played since the WSOP in June. Two interesting hands:

First hand of Tournament

We started with T-5,000 in chips, 25-50 blinds and 20 minute levels. Need chips, but not too fast. UTG limps folds to me in mid-position, I raise to 200 with K10s, just splashing around. Cut off calls as does the big blind. Limper then makes it 200 more, for a total of 400. I call as do the other two. 1,600 in the pot. Flop comes K 10 6 all clubs. Big blind checks, UTG moves in for 4600. I think about it for 10 seconds and I tell Crazy Tom (who is at another table) that he may well win the $20 last longer because I am going to have to call this unknown guy. I call, both the other players fold and he turns over...............

10 2 of hearts. Wow. I bust him and more than double up the first hand of the tournament. He starts talking trash, saying "Wow, I want you in my game anytime! How can you call my bet? You are so bad." I just stare at him and say one thing... "I thought you had AA with the A of clubs and I knew I was ahead regardless. Easy call."

Second Hand of Interest.

I get short stacked during the next hour and when we get to the final table I am last in chips. Double up once and then:

Blinds are 1000-2000, I have 6700. I am in the SB and get JJ. UTG, Car Man, limps as does a mid-position player and the button. I move in and all three players call my all in. There is 28,800 in the pot. Flop comes 10 8 4 with two spades. UTG and mid-position check and the button goes all in. WOW. Must have run into a set. UTG and mid-position player fold. He turns over A9 of spades, misses and I quadruple up.

Question is, what would you do with the A9 of spades in the button's position? The debate is an old one with one player all in. Do you check it down or bet into a dry side pot? It really was a semi-bluff move on his part. He said that he wanted to get a caller that misread his bet. Oh well, the entire room was split as to whether his bet was a good play or not.

Give me your comments on the hand. Until next time....

Good Luck and See You at the Felt.....


At 8:34 AM, Blogger Acesfull said...

If he had the flush then I don’t mind the bet but on a draw with the potential to knock out another player? No I defiantly do not like this move.


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