Thursday, August 04, 2005

New Focus - Set Back in August

As I told you all Tuesday, I was playing in a 15-30 game Tuesday night. I started off playing well, go two very bad beats, and begun to tilt a little, or a lot. When it came time to leave at 1:00 am, there were three drunks in the game, none of which have much talent sober, much less drunk, so I stayed another hour. Well drunk number one, the worst player in the bunch, started catching, including chopping down my AA with 23 off suit (running two pair on turn and river with no draw on the flop) heads up and having my 99 with a 88493 board run into quads. At least in that hand I knew he was a rock that that was his only hand possible kept me from losing more. I actually lost the minimum, two bets preflop, one on the flop, two on turn and one on the river. I was happy with that hand. However, I lost more than 50 big bets on the night, which is inexcusable.

I am flustered right now with that game. I am even for the past month in that game when it is very close to being very big up for me. Oh well, thats the life we chose with poker. I have decided to refocus my live action to local tournaments. A local club has begun running a $200 event on Wednesday nights and I have decided to change my life action night to that game, where my edge is very significant.

I was 11th with 41 to go last night in the UB $40. Make a steal with Q8 in the cutoff, flop a Q, turn another Q and get busted by the chip leader's KQ all in on the turn. Oh well, was playing very well prior to that hand.

My Schedule:

On-line only for the next week
$200 NL event next Wednesday
$1000 NL WSOP Circuit event in Tunica August 13
$500 NL WSOP Circuit eent in Tunica August 14

Until the next post....

Good Luck and See You at the Felt.....


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