Monday, September 12, 2005


Okay guys,

I know that Daniel Negreanu has discussed this point before at, but this is driving me nuts....

Please remember that I have consciously avoided picking on people's play for the entire life of this blog. But this play last night not only cost me the pot, it cost me the chance at a $2500 seat. There were 65 of us left with 6 $2,500 seats up for grabs. I was excited because I had a stack that was about 120% of average with 11,500. The blinds are 300-600 with 75 ante. a short stack opens in early position for 1,200. MP calls (4500 total). I have AKs on the button. I raise to 4,500 forcing the two short stacks all in. The SB (12,000 total) smooth calls quickly, both small stacks go all in. That is where it gets interesting......

Flop comes 983 rainbow. SB checks, I check. Turn 2. SB stacks off and goes all in. I think, okay, you have a monster and I fold AKs. Hands:

First all in: Q5s (desperate)
Second all in: KQ (Okay)
SB: 10-7s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The river pairs the 9 for a board of 99832. The KQ wins with K high and I go ballistic. Why do you do this? Why bluff when you can only win oh lets see, nothing in a side pot. AND you protect two all ins, that in this situation, would be gone and we both would be 2 seats closer to the final table. Of course, I would have 20,000 in chips, which would make me very happy. BUT WHY? Even more, why call a reraise of that size preflop with 10-7 suited? That play just stinks to high heaven. He went out about ten after me. I lost a race 20 hands later with AK v. 33. I did not have enough to protect my hand, but that is another story.

Until next time,

Good Luck and See You at the Felt.....................


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