Monday, September 19, 2005

Weekend Update

Well, as weekends go, it was not bad. Saturday was very promising, Sunday just plain sucked.


Two Tournaments to talk about, two cashes.

$33 w/rebuys for $25000 Event. This was a little frustrating. 250 of us shooting it out for 6 seats in the Big $2.5 million guarantee on Sunday. 7-12 got back $165 and 13th got $30. I was in for four buy-ins, or $123 (33 + 30x3). With 25 to go, I was third in chips. Card dead and I go out 13th for $30. Played well, just did not pick my spots well late. -$93, but so close.

$10 Rebuys. In for $40, right on budget. Play great for five hours and go out 18th out of 1596 for $400. With 50 to go I was second in chips after I tripled up with AA, made quads. Fun hand. Best finish in a while, but $13k would have been nicer thats for sure.


Four tournaments, zero cashes. In for $60 in the $10 rebuy. Lost with QQ v. AK and 77. Would have cashed if that hand holds. Finish 230/1450. Blew $124 trying for one last time to get in the big one. Did not get it. Gyndok got a sick beat in the big one with JJ v. 55. Flop came 862 rainbow and the 55 called an all in raise. Made running 55 for quads. Sigh. Gyndok would have been in the top 20. Instead went out around 500 or so. 1500 players started with 5000 in chips and thirty minute rounds. that was a structure I would have liked to have had a shot at. The winner took home $840,000. Nice afternoon of work.

Anyway, back to the grind. Going to dedicate this week to the $10 rebuy with a strict $30 budget for each. I am getting deep each night. I need to see if I can break through and get to the final table. It should happen soon. I hope so, I have that $10,000 WSOP bankroll to build, and I only have 10 more months to get it.

Until next time,

Good Luck and See You at the Felt.........................


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