Monday, October 10, 2005

Damn It!

It was close, but we don't play horseshoes or throw handgranades. Saturday night, I buy into the $10 rebuy event on Stars. I am settling in to watch the end of the Predator game (won in a shoot out) and the late Cardinals - Padres game three. Did I mention that the Cardinals rock? Anyway, I get into the tournament for $30. I have an average stack at the end of the rebuy period and promptly double up in the first orbit after that with AA v. A5o. Wow, but thanks.

1631 Players - 180 get paid. Two interesting hands as I made it deep.

Hand one. 200-400 level I have an average stack and I am in the BB with AJs (11,700 in chips - about average). three limpers, I raise to 4,000 to isolate and hopefully take it down. Limper number two calls (He has 13,000). Okay, mid-pair. Flop comes 10 9 4. I bet 6500, he calls. Crap. Turn is a Q. Check, check. river is a 7. Check, check he has 4s for bottom set. I have 1200 left and post 200 in the SB. I fold the SB, but double up twice before the blinds get back.

With 240 to go, I am in the top 20 in chips. I start playing bubble poker v. the small stacks. That is so much fun to situationally raise with any two cards knowing they cannot call with 95% of their potential holdings. These guys would fold 10s if it meant getting to that $50ish payday. I hate it in their short position, which makes it all the more sweet when you are on the boss end of it.

We crash through the money and I am still in the top 20. I play solid poker wanting a final three table finish, making the sleepless night worth it. I get to the final three tables fifth in chips. I had just doubled up to 500k with AK v. Ax and 10s, with a K high flop. I play sheriff two hands in a row in the BB and SB to late position pushes from small stacks. Lose the first one with K4s. Now before you get too bothered by that one, I was getting 4.2-1 on the call and felt the need. He had A-2 so it was more than appropriate to call, but missed. In the SB, the Button pushed and I had KJs. I call and he has A9. I miss again and I decide to quit playing sheriff with 370,000 in chips. The Weasel calls and starts singing "who shot the sheriff?" and I want to kill him.

Down to 11 handed, I am in 8th with 600k. Blinds are 30k-60k 3k ante. In the BB with this Hand:

SB - Has me covered by about 100k.

Folds to the SB, he min raises. I minraise back. I am screaming powerhouse hand here. He just calls. Flop comes AJ4. He bets out 140,000 which is what I have left. I have to call. He has A10. Turn is.......

A King. Yes, the world is great. I am the greatest playe.........

River is a Q for a gut shot straight. I am out 10th as the other table eliminates 11th place seconds before my hand. I would have been third in chips with about 1.3 million or so. Oh well, $530, winner got 15k. The bad beat giver finished 4th for $4,500.

So close, but getting there. Until next time,

Good Luck and See You at the Felt....................


At 6:02 AM, Blogger Acesfull said...

Congrats on a nice finish....


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