Saturday, August 05, 2006

Dang it! Weasel got got.

He is out. Card Player states (confirmed by a call):

Latest Eliminations

The following players have been eliminated. They will each receive $34,636.
368 - The Weasel.

Well, Weasel, I am proud of you. He went out on a semi-bluff draw. Heads up heading to the flop in the CO with 6d 7d. SB had raised to 21,000 after Weasel had limped. Weasel called the 17,000 and the flop comes 10 J 4, with two diamonds. SB checked, Weasel moved in for 83,000 total with a 50,000 pot. SB calls and turned over AA. The turn brough the 3h. River, 2h.

Good job Weasel. Until next week all,

Good Luck and See You at the Flop.............................

Heeeeerrrrrrreeee's the Weasel

Welcome to day 4 Weasel Nation. He made some serious strides yesterday. He worked his way down to 14,000 in chips, got aces. Got aces again about an hour later. Hit the bubble with 63,000. Dinner break with 83,000. Ended the day with 140,000. He is playing some phenominal poker. Oh, and he can't stop now. He is in 255/485 place with 76.84% of average (182,191) stack. His table is as follows:

Seat 1 Sean Carey $112,500
Seat 2 Alex Todd $105,000
Seat 3 Ted Forrest $78,000
Seat 4 Kevin Robbins $76,500
Seat 5 Paul Coles $120,500
Seat 6 The Weasel $140,000
Seat 7 Sonny Lee $142,000
Seat 8 Steven Goodemore $246,000
Seat 9 Eugene Yanayt $98,000

JM and Crazy Tom couldn't take it any longer and flew out last night. They are there to play a couple of the $1500 events and provide me a more detailed update during the day. Until I hear more,

Good Luck Weasel and Keep it Up Brother................

Friday, August 04, 2006

Silence is Deafening

No update from the Weasel. I know nothing! I have a text message into him. As soon as I know something, you will know something. I have a required outing tonight via Mrs. Grip, so I am a little nervous.

Until later,

Good Luck and See You at the Felt..................

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Off Day

It is an off-day for the Weasel. He is going to have to find his way to last through at least 250 players to cash. He can do it.

Okay, a hand analysis from one that sort of played itself. It was from the 2-5 NL game That I played at Metropolis last weekend. I was UTG +1. BV, who I have played poker with for at least 20 years was sitting to my right. He is decently tight, wanting to see a lot of flops cheap, which I think is the right strategy in NL cash games. It can be a disaster in tournaments unless of course you start with a decent stack like T-10,000 or something like that. I had a crazy to my left who had only one move if he liked the flop, "All In." That was fine as trapping him seemed like it was the best option and the Weasel had taught me a lot about check raising those types. He has been check raising me in limit HE for years.

BV opens for $20 UTG. I look down at KQs (hearts). BV is a good NL player and the range of hands against this table that he would do this with were decently broad including small pairs. I call, crazy to my left calls, the button and big blind call as well. $102 in the pot.

The flop smashing me right in the face. Kc Jh 10h. How about them apples. BB and BV check, I bet out $80. Crazy to my right goes in for $220 more. Folds back around to me and I say "I don't care what you have, I have to call." He had 10 Jo. I brick off on the turn and river and double him up.

I do like that flop and realize that regardless of the cost, if someone plays back at me I am going to put every penny I can into the pot. There is not a hand that I am not at least a coin flip against and dominate pretty much the remainder of the deck. Interesting to think about that hand. Comments? Critiques?

Until next time,

Good Luck and let's help get the Weasel Through the Bubble...............

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Weasel will have one more hour of 600-1200 200 ante when they get back on Friday. Then it goes to 800-1600 300 antes. He has about 1.5 hours to honestly find a hand before he is reduced to one move poker.

He can do it, but he will need to get it in there a couple of times early to stay in the game.

Good Luck Weasel. Play Your Ass Off...............

Weasel Update

Okay, he is in 475th position out of 561 from Day 2A with T-28,600 (36.85% of Average). The chip leader has 443,300. The good news is that there are no monster stacks at his table. His table for day 3 starts as follows:

Seat 1. Ira Gibbs $30,300
Seat 2. John Kindley $62,600
Seat 3. THE WEASEL $28,600
Seat 4. David Clayton $70,500
Seat 5. Bryan Sandrock $71,300
Seat 6. Jeffrey Abramovitz $80,000
Seat 7. Chris Ferguson $55,200
Seat 8. Ken Weiner $46,800
Seat 9. Robert Sanchez $61,700
Seat 10. Steve Williams $24,500

I guess if the Weasel had to be short stacked going into the bubble day, this is as good a table as possible. No huge stacks, with only one bracelet winner to contend with. Good luck Weasel, bust that bubble and get deep brother.

Good Luck and See the Weasel Through the Bubble........................

Weasel Update #

He made it through day 2. Unfortunately he ran into a monster in the very last hand of the night, 10s v. KK. He has 28,600 in chips. Mrs. Grip and I were having a disagreement this morning (imagine that) and I was unable to check the level completed and number of players left. When I get that information, I will forward it on to you.

Until next time,

Good Luck and See You at the Felt..............

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

2006 Payout Announced

Tournament officials have released the official payout structure.

The top 873 players will finish in the money (earning at least $14,597), and everyone who finishes in the top 63 will earn six figures (at least $123,699).

The top 12 players will become millionaires, and first place is worth an even $12 million. Here are those top 12 payouts:
1st - $12,000,000
2nd - $6,102,499
3rd - $4,123,310
4th - $3,628,513
5th - $3,216,182
6th - $2,803,851
7th - $2,391,520
8th - $1,979,189
9th - $1,566,858
10th - $1,154,527
11th - $1,154,527
12th - $1,154,527

Weasel Update 2

He made the dinner break. He has 61,500 with the blinds going to 500-1000 with 200 ante. There is a boss stack of 130,000 in seat 5, while the Weasel is in Seat 1. The stack is pushing the table around. Weasel has enough to push back when he needs to.

790 left. The will play 3 more levels or until they get to 500 remaining. That is different from the initial word, but makes sense.

No more updates tonight. He is going to text me if anything big happens. I will update in the morning along with the updated tables if he is still in.

Keep going Weasel.

Good Luck and Go Deep Weasel.................

Weasel Update

He is up to 63,000 in chips.


Good Luck Weasel...................

Sometimes I Hate Corporate America

Not really, but our company has a new Internet filter that keeps out There are no exceptions except for work-related items, and the Weasel doesn't qualify. So I cannot get any updates until tonight, and then I won't get any until after I do the honey-do list. Jeez, Mrs. Grip!

I fear that tonight will be a light sleep night so long as Weasel keeps going. And as he looks like he beginning to feel like the Energizer Bunny, he probably will.

I will discuss this and other items in my post, which will likely be tonight.

Until next time,

Good Luck and stay off the felt WEASEL!...........................

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Weasel's Table

I hope that Poker Pages is wrong with the chips counts, and I think they are as Weasel and I discussed the guy that drew the Table 130 Seat 2, and he was around 35,000, not 225,000. Anyway, this is the table for Tuesday:

Table 130

Seat 1 The Weasel $ 50,600
Seat 2 Hossein Tagh Avi $229,125

Seat 3 Steven Sharp $ 32,625
Seat 4 Keith Brown $ 27,600
Seat 5 Daniel Muncan $ 7,525
Seat 6 Ernesto Panno $ 41,200
Seat 7 Alan Steffen $ 36,800
Seat 8 Stephen Ladowsky $ 27,700
Seat 9 Robert McInturf $ 5,250

Seat 10 Victor Iemolo $ 43,850

IF that chip count in Seat 2 is wrong, which I think it is, then Weasel is in great shape. Play strong Weasel.

Until Tuesday,

Good Luck Weasel and See you at the Felt.......................

Weasel Update

First, I did not get the seat. The seller gave me a little bit of the run around, and I did not feel comfortable dealing with him, so no go. He did call twice Friday evening, but I felt that it was too late and decided just to root on the Weasel. And............

He is doing as expected, very well to say the least. He played yesterday in his day one and not only survived, he thrived. He comes back on Tuesday and I expect him to be in the top 50 in chips with 50,600. For those that would like to see Mr. Weasel in action, click here.

I am so happy for the weasel, now just keep it up! Makes it through one more day and he cashes. I said that he was doing very well this trip and this is just a great culmination of that performance. No guarantees, but it sures looks good for a solid finish.

His Current Position:

150th place as of the end of day 1-B (which will be around top 8 to 9% after the next two days). Weasel has T-50,600, which is 191.01% of average. Chip leader has T-229,125. Too much time on my hands this Sunday.

Until next time,

Good Luck and See You at the Felt.......................