Thursday, August 03, 2006

Off Day

It is an off-day for the Weasel. He is going to have to find his way to last through at least 250 players to cash. He can do it.

Okay, a hand analysis from one that sort of played itself. It was from the 2-5 NL game That I played at Metropolis last weekend. I was UTG +1. BV, who I have played poker with for at least 20 years was sitting to my right. He is decently tight, wanting to see a lot of flops cheap, which I think is the right strategy in NL cash games. It can be a disaster in tournaments unless of course you start with a decent stack like T-10,000 or something like that. I had a crazy to my left who had only one move if he liked the flop, "All In." That was fine as trapping him seemed like it was the best option and the Weasel had taught me a lot about check raising those types. He has been check raising me in limit HE for years.

BV opens for $20 UTG. I look down at KQs (hearts). BV is a good NL player and the range of hands against this table that he would do this with were decently broad including small pairs. I call, crazy to my left calls, the button and big blind call as well. $102 in the pot.

The flop smashing me right in the face. Kc Jh 10h. How about them apples. BB and BV check, I bet out $80. Crazy to my right goes in for $220 more. Folds back around to me and I say "I don't care what you have, I have to call." He had 10 Jo. I brick off on the turn and river and double him up.

I do like that flop and realize that regardless of the cost, if someone plays back at me I am going to put every penny I can into the pot. There is not a hand that I am not at least a coin flip against and dominate pretty much the remainder of the deck. Interesting to think about that hand. Comments? Critiques?

Until next time,

Good Luck and let's help get the Weasel Through the Bubble...............


At 1:23 PM, Blogger Grip 'n Rip Poker said...

He had $300 total. However, in all honesty, if we both had $50,000 in front of us, can you think of a scenario that I cannot push very hard on that flop?


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