Thursday, September 08, 2005

Final Table Time

Played in a $10 PLHE tournament last night. 470 players. I was in the top five in chips from 250 players on. Played very well, only sucking out once in a hand that matters and that was against a relatively short stack at around 50 to go. Finished 6th for $210. A player took 80% of my stack when he rivered his flush against my TPTK 8 handed. Very happy with my play.

This follows back to back cashes in the $10 rebuy. Made it deep in that as well last night but went out 220/1300, no cash. Happy with that play to some extent, but had a big stack at 500 players and did not play correctly from there in. Sigh.

Made $200 in a 5-10 limit ring game last night. The last hand was huge, over $300 pot. Raised and reraised to me on the button with 88. I make a loose call, but if it hits, zoom to the moon Alice. BB caps it, four way action to the flop. Flop comes 9 8 3 rainbow. Check, bet, call, I raise, reraise, fold, reraise and I cap it. Turn is an Ace, rainbow complete. Check, bet, I raise, BB reraises, fold, I raise, BB caps. I put him on Aces up, so I am not slowing down. River 4. Bet, I raise, he calls. He had 99, DANG IT. Other guy had KK. That would have put the session up over $500.

Oh well. I am going to try one $33 w/rebuys satellite for the $2500 WCOOP final event tonight. That will be a huge tournament as PokerStars is already guaranteeing it will have a $2,500,000 prize pool. Given that their other WCOOP event guarantees are being shattered every time, this tournament could have a $4,000,000 prize pool with first place getting $900,000 or so.

Sweetness. Until next time.....

Good Luck and See You at the Felt...............

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Stars, oh Stars in My Eyes...


Back to online land. Crashed on UB, account kaput. Tried Full Tilt, same answer, $400 gone. So, what is a man to do? Go back home to PokerStars. I deposited $300 to get the 20% bonus. Earned the bonus on Saturday doing the 3-6 full ring game route. Made money in the game also. I also signed up for a $20 with rebuys satellite to the First WCOOP Event, a $500 NL event. Won the seat.

3065 players started. $306,000 to the winner! All in a days work. 325 players make the money. Play bad early, get down to 500 with a bad beat. I worked it baby. Work it, use it, work it. Get up to 9,000 in chips and have double the average stack. Lose 2,000 to a guy dying to race I have AKs v. JJ. Brick off, okey dokey. Still have an average stack. Then this hand comes up.

I do not typically steal from the button because it is so obvious, mid ways to late in a tournament you are inviting a very big reraise and serious chip risk. The blinds are 100-200, 25 ante and I have 6,000. Folds to me on the button, I have 77. I raise to 800. The SB goes all in for 5,100 total. BB folds. I call instantly, thinking that I really would have to against the SB. He has A8, so its a race. I lose with the board comes 10-J-Q-K. Sigh. I go out with AKs UTG and lose to 32 off suit who called from the BB. I was happy with my play, I went out around 900/3065. Sigh. Getting there...


1350 players. I get DEEP. I actually was 923/925 soon after the rebuys are done. I get KK, double up, flop the nut str8, double up. Steal a couple and I am back in it. We make the money at 135. at 110 left I make a standard raise in the CO with 55. Button thinks FOREVER (with clock) and goes in for about 90% of my stack. I instacall. He has JJ. Oops. Oh yes, this is PRESTO we are talking about here, so I hit my 5 on the flop and double up. two hands later in mid position, one limper, I raise to 5x BB with AQ spades, folds to him he calls. Flop comes all spades, and str8 coordinated with the 5710. He checks I bet 70% of the pot, he calls. Turn is the off suit J, he checks, I move in, he calls with 89 and the 9 spades. Oops, drawing dead with the str8. I now am in 6th. I move around and then get bounced 49th by this hand:

15th in chips. UTG QQ. I raise 3x BB. Folds to mid position player who immediately goes all in, he has me covered by about 60k. Folds to me, I call without a thought, figuring we be racin' and stuff. But he has 77. Oops on his part, right? Nah, the seven comes on the river and I am out. If I win the pot, I am third in chips and rocking to really deep. 49/1350 is not shabby, but one card away from REALLY deep.

So I am back on Stars, and the local tournaments are now dead. Other games are slipping, so I will be making a trip in two weeks to Metropolis to check out the NL game and to Louisville in October to check out the circuit event.

Until next time...

Good Luck and See You at the Felt......................