Thursday, November 10, 2005

I hear you

Okay guys,

I hear you. I talked to more than one of you and cede that I definitely misplayed the previous hand. To finish up the hand of the day from the previous post:

I raised to 40,000 (bad I know).
Initial Raiser goes in for 63,000.
Reraiser calls all in.

I call.


Me: AK0
Second place Guy: 99
Short Stack Guy: AKo

I think the move in by the 99 is a play that trumps my in the worst play department. He pushed knowing we both were coming and we had Reraised and REreraised his open bet. I think that play was moronic. Of course he flops a set and moves into the chip lead with 145,000. I go down to last in chips with 17,000. I get back to where when it is heads up against Mr. 99, we are tied. He played well heads up and takes it down. But I think the play on the 99 was bad. My play was definitely bad, but his was worse looking back at it.

Last night:

Finished 19th/460 in a $50 NL event on stars for $160 (winner got $5400 - sigh). Get crippled six-handed with a hand that is interesting:

PokerStars Game #3019550940: Tournament #14705289
Hold'em No Limit

Level XII(800/1600, 75 Ante)
Seat #1 is the button

Seat 1: EARLBRY (49530 in chips)
Seat 2: 8ivyleague8 (93356 in chips)
Seat 4: bagbalm4u (29470 in chips)
Seat 5: gavros33 (10820 in chips)
Seat 6: winstonddogg (18845 in chips)
Seat 9: Grip'nRip (20292 in chips)

8ivyleague8: posts small blind 800
bagbalm4u: posts big blind 1600

*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Grip'nRip [8d Ad]

gavros33: folds
winstonddogg: calls 1600
Grip'nRip: raises 4800 to 6400
EARLBRY: folds
8ivyleague8: folds
bagbalm4u: folds
winstonddogg: calls 4800

*** FLOP *** [3s Ah 6h]

winstonddogg: checks
Grip'nRip: bets 13817 and is all-in
winstonddogg: calls (immediately) 12370 and is all-in

*** TURN *** [3s Ah 6h] [2s]

*** RIVER *** [3s Ah 6h 2s] [5d]

*** SHOW DOWN ***

winstonddogg: shows [Ac 2d] (two pair, Aces and Deuces)
Grip'nRip: shows [8d Ad] (a pair of Aces)
winstonddogg collected 40390 from pot

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 40390 Rake 0
Board [3s Ah 6h 2s 5d]

Seat 6: winstonddogg showed [Ac 2d] and won (40390) with two pair, Aces andDeuces
Seat 9: Grip'nRip showed [8d Ad] and lost with a pair of Aces

I cannot believe two things with this hand. 1. Why he open limped and then called preflop with his hand and 2. why he thought that his hand was good on the flop. I conceed that I most likely go bust with his hand if I get to the flop, but I do not get to see that flop. And he check called all in very fast like he had a monster. I just don't get it sometimes, but then again, I am dumbfounded more and more with each session on line. Until next time,

Good Luck and See You at the Felt......................


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