Sunday, November 06, 2005

Live Tournaments and Memphis Trip

Went to Memphis this weekend to see a friend and have a weekend of fun drinking and being a bachelor. Had a great time and took a few hours on Saturday to go down to the Grand Casino to play in a daily tournament. Got there prepared to play in a 10 am event that really started at 1 pm. I was a little put out, but we were not going out until 8 or so Saturday night, so I sat down in a 4-8 limit to spend some time. About 11 or so, they started a 1-2 NL and I sat down with the maximum $500. Two interesting hands.

Hand one. I am up about 50, it is a fun table, but nothing serious. The big stack is two to my right with about 800. I had a good read on him, so I really wasnt in danger with any one hand. I get, AA in the SB. two limpers and I pop it to 20. Mid limper called. I put it in my head, he has a middle pair. The flop comes JJ2 rainbow. I bet 40, he min raises to 80. I call. Turn is a 4. I check raise his 50 all in. He calls and turns over J10 offsuit. SIGH. Oh well, the river didnt bail me out and I shipped 280 to him from my stack. I grind it out and end down 120. I played well, but alas, no good. I moved to the tournament. That is when it gets interesting.

$100 +30. 15 minute rounds with 5000 in chips to start. 55 players started. Interesting structure and can be defined with the term "Crap Shoot." I decided to have a little fun. I got two $20 last longer bets, so it would either be $170 or $90 if I didnt cash. I won both the last longer. Interesting hands.

I have 33 on the button with 7700 in chips. The blinds are 100-200. A late position player makes it 500, he has played a lot of hands and only had 3500 in chips. I started to reraise, but just smooth called him. The BB was a nut peddling woman. She was nice enough, but went all in on the flop or check folded. She called. I stared right at her because she had a stack similar to mine and I wanted her to go in with the worst of it. She looked at the flop about a half a second and goes all in and the initial raiser beat her in the pot. I look at the board, it reads 234 two tone. I actually thought about folding but could not do it. I really thought they both had bigger pp. I turn over my 33 and say I call. The BB turned over 44. The other guy had 77. I dont get the miracle and I am immediately down to 1k with 100-200 blinds.

VERY NEXT HAND. One Limper and a raiser to 600. I have 77. I almost have to go with it and push in 1000. get the BB and the initial raiser to call. The flop comes 773. Okay, I live to pounce another day. I get it up to 22000 at one point but with the horrible structure, I never got comfortable to where I could wait and go out 14th. Top 9 get paid.

I played well and did the best I could.

I had a good time in Memphis. Until next time,

Good Luck and See You at the Felt.................


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