Thursday, November 03, 2005

Final Table Last Night - Oh and Big Online hand

Finally made a final table last night in one of the stars $20 +2 180 SNG. Finished fifth for $240. Oh well, first profitable evening in two weeks, so I will take it. The most interesting hand of the night occurred in the other $20 SNG I played. I played it like a donkey, as I was in third when I check-raised all in, but made for interesting TV.

*********** # 2 **************PokerStars Game #2959553104: Tournament #14605663, Hold'em No Limit - Level I(10/20) - 2005/11/02 - 23:42:44 (ET)Table '14605663 4' Seat #2 is the button

Seat 1: lefkada (1210 in chips)
Seat 2: Reziztence (1460 in chips)
Seat 3: miamibeach11 (1610 in chips)
Seat 4: Grip'nRip (1320 in chips)
Seat 5: damien1573 (1430 in chips)
Seat 6: MIKER92707 (1320 in chips)
Seat 7: potjacker (1640 in chips)
Seat 8: okie76 (1900 in chips)
Seat 9: Frederick_V (1610 in chips)

miamibeach11: posts small blind 10
Grip'nRip: posts big blind 20

*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Grip'nRip [As Ts]

damien1573: folds
MIKER92707: calls 20
potjacker: raises 20 to 40
okie76: calls 40
Frederick_V: folds
lefkada: folds
Reziztence: folds
miamibeach11: folds
Grip'nRip: calls 20
MIKER92707: calls 20

*** FLOP *** [6d 6s 5s]

Grip'nRip: checks
MIKER92707: bets 20
potjacker: calls 20
okie76: calls 20
Grip'nRip: calls 20

*** TURN *** [6d 6s 5s] [9s]

Grip'nRip: checks
MIKER92707: bets 120
potjacker: calls 120
okie76: raises 120 to 240
Grip'nRip: raises 1020 to 1260 and is all-in
MIKER92707: calls 1140 and is all-in
potjacker: raises 320 to 1580 and is all-in
okie76: folds

*** RIVER *** [6d 6s 5s 9s] [Kc]

*** SHOW DOWN ***

Grip'nRip: shows [As Ts] (a flush, Ace high)
MIKER92707: shows [7s 8s] (a straight flush, Five to Nine)
potjacker: shows [6h 6c] (four of a kind, Sixes)

MIKER92707 collected 4270 from pot

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 4270 Rake 0

Board [6d 6s 5s 9s Kc]

Seat 1: lefkada folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: Reziztence (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: miamibeach11 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: Grip'nRip (big blind) showed [As Ts] and lost with a flush, Ace high
Seat 5: damien1573 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: MIKER92707 showed [7s 8s] and won with a straight flush, Five toNine
Seat 7: potjacker showed [6h 6c] and lost with four of a kind, Sixes
Seat 8: okie76 folded on the Turn
Seat 9: Frederick_V folded before Flop (didn't bet)

I played the A-high flush like a donkey, but really did not expect to run into a Straight Flush AND Quads. And who said online didn't provide action boards. I guess I am getting immune to this type of hands as all I did was stare at the computer and laugh.

Oh well, until next time,

Good Luck and See You at the Felt...............................


At 7:45 AM, Blogger Acesfull said...



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