Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Hand of the Day

Made another run at a $20 180-player sng last night. Finished second. Played solid and had some luck in the middle rounds. $720. Account is now got some cushion. I will stay around the $20 entry fee range, with one exception. I will probably start playing the Sunday $200 event again. That event has life changing money on the top end and I am playing great right now. One final table there and I am set for the WSOP, which is the goal going forward.

Hand of the day. I am the chip leader with 80,000 last night with 8 remaining. Blinds are 800-1600 with 200 ante. Second place had 63,000 and all the others had under 30,000. I am in the SB with AKo. Second place guy makes it 4800. Medium stack immediately makes it 16,000. Folded around to me.

What do you do here?

Answer to what actually happened tomorrow. Until then,

Good Luck and See You at the Felt.......................


At 6:41 AM, Blogger Acesfull said...

Fold. Your probably sharing an ace with one of the two and behind the re-raiser's pair.


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