Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Long Time - I Know

Okay, I have become preoccupied with several things lately and have allowed my posts to essentially cease, and for heaven's sake, I allowed Crazy Tom to post his $50,000 win. What was I thinking.

It is just I am very frustrated right now with this game. I feel like my game is slipping away and I am playing sloppy. That has caused a severe downturn in my finances that I have taken a few months to address. Hopefully this will resolve itself soon.

I will post an interesting week in New Orleans within the next day, where I lost with an Ace high flush to a very well hidden straight flush.

Until then,

Good Luck and See You at the Felt


At 6:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need a blog I can trust and I need one that does post a bit more regular.

Your writing is so, so at best. Tom's was terrible by the way.

You writing every 90 days about and every story (when you do write one) is ME, ME, ME.

Comment on some hands you've seen or some tough hands you've come acrosss. Talk about how AQ and AJ are some of the worst hands in the world!

GL, I'm changing blogs!

At 7:18 AM, Blogger Grip 'n Rip Poker said...

I understand and concur with your assessment. In compliance with your thoughts, I will include a entry about tournament strategy later today.

In defense, this is a personal blog and will (if it ever becomes active again) include more about my results than about other items. As such, considering the lack of interesting events in my poker life lately, there have not been any posts lately.

Thanks for the thoughtful comments.



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